Monday, June 27, 2011

Check out The Old Hippies' Daughter

TieDye t-shirts

This virtual boutique is being launched to subsidize the adoption through the sales of hand made goodies and occasionally a vintage collectible or two being offered. God willing, Jose will be here by Christmas this year with the Lyons family!

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Robin's Nest Painting

The Robin's Nest Children's Home

This is a painting of the Robin's Nest created by Suzanne Culpepper.  Notice the verse and the caption written on the hills!  She is so creative!  I can't wait to hang this in my home as a daily reminder of those sweet children.

Friday, June 10, 2011

A Day in the Life of the Wileys

After church getting ready to  head to the beach
Jacob wearing his Lat-Long Necklace

Team Jamaica had a wonderful visit to the Robin's Nest Children's Home last week.  We entered their world and got to truly experience a day in the life of running an orphanage.  Wow, the energy and stress was high, but it was evident that God poured out His strength and provision for that place.  As Joyel Wiley said, "Your heart is ripped in two and mended daily".  Emotions are from complete joy and bliss to utter torment as one shares the heart of an orphan.  I am reminded of the verse in James 1:27 from the NASB version:  Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.  Most translations say to "look after" which can be a little vague, but to "visit" is a strong direct verb or action that we are commanded to do.